About Us

About Octopi: Octopi is a leading developer of single-player and multiplayer online and downloadable games. Based in Tucson, AZ, Octopi has been building games for clients like Nokia, Paramount Pictures, EA's Pogo, GSN and SBC, while also hard at work developing PoxNora, the revolutionary online, multiplayer, collectible strategy game.

P.O. BOX 31051
Tucson, AZ 85751-1051

Credits: The Team Responsible for PoxNora

Design Team
Dan Kopycienski
Branden Jordan
Brian Dellinger
Art Griffith

Game Development Team
Justin Felker
Art Griffith
Peter Nolen
Kevin Webb
Ellis Carle
James Johnson

Game Art Team
Bryan Rypkowski
Anthony Lopes
Darcie Banfield
Adgio Hutchings - Audio

Guest Artists
James Ryman
Matt Dixon
Jakub Kasper
Howard Lyon
Robert Cirillo
Yi-Piao Yeoh
Min Hyuk Yum
Mike Dutton
Trevor Claxton
Shayne Bingham
Kelly Hamilton
Gabo Garza
Layne Johnson

Story Team
Jess Jordan

Community Management
Luke Bultman

Q/A Support
Jesse Baker
David Boniecki
Luke Bultman

Wei Rao


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