Guild Profile

Rank: 2
Affiliation: Wrath
Motto: Pound enjoyers rise up
Ye lyin' ye lyin'

No Awards Earned
New member
Big warm cunty aussie welcome to
Wins: More than me
Losses: Doesn't lose
Awards: Can say cunt in every sentence.
Faction: That fishy one
New members
Welcome to our new members to our super elite WINNING guild. First up we have:
Wins: At least 1
Losses: At least 1
Awards: He's a mod
Faction: That OP one
Next up we have,
Wins: At least 1
Losses: At least 1
Awards: Ran for BL that one time
Faction: Whatever is the most broken thing in the game/PHS
Great additions to the commonwealth
UK gang stays undefeated
There's only one King, he knows who he is