Guild Profile

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The Dream Team [WINS]
No Website
Rank: 5
Affiliation: Wrath
Motto: Death Before Dishonor

Guild Summary
The Top Ranked Guild #VETERANS
Message of the Day
The 1%

We are the Ivy League of Poxnora

Silence the Haters

*Established 1/26/17*

Drums of War
52401   52066   51245   40414
37609   85178   36965   55720

Recent Awards

No Awards Earned

Guild News

Welcome BurnPyro

Posted by xaznsoulx @ 2019-06-25 01:23:26.0   (PUBLIC)

Current Stats:

Level: 99
Wins: 4569 Losses: 1557
Achievement Points: 7175
Guild: The Dream Team WINS
RankRating Battlemaster - Solo League 1821
Current rank:319
Standard V - Team League Unranked

Solo Ranked Wins: 3551
Team Ranked Wins: 799
Highest Rank: 1

SL: 17682 (593)

Welcome Taylor

Posted by xaznsoulx @ 2019-06-13 19:04:18.0   (PUBLIC)

Current Stats:

Level: 99
Wins: 7672 Losses: 3426
Achievement Points: 11175
Guild: The Dream Team WINS
RankRating Battlemaster - Solo League 2511
Current Rank: 69
Standard V - Team League 1018

Solo Ranked Wins: 4971
Team Ranked Wins: 1418
Highest Rank: 1

DOW: FS 18833

Two Year Anniversary

Posted by xaznsoulx @ 2019-01-27 04:46:42.0   (PUBLIC)

And we're still fucking killin it.

Stay WINning


No Yes

