Guild Profile

Affiliation: Wrath
Motto: Death Before Dishonor
The Top Ranked Guild #VETERANS

No Awards Earned
Welcome BurnPyro
Current Stats:
Level: 99
Wins: 4569 Losses: 1557
Achievement Points: 7175
Guild: The Dream Team WINS
RankRating Battlemaster - Solo League 1821
Current rank:319
Standard V - Team League Unranked
Solo Ranked Wins: 3551
Team Ranked Wins: 799
Highest Rank: 1
SL: 17682 (593)
Welcome Taylor
Current Stats:
Level: 99
Wins: 7672 Losses: 3426
Achievement Points: 11175
Guild: The Dream Team WINS
RankRating Battlemaster - Solo League 2511
Current Rank: 69
Standard V - Team League 1018
Solo Ranked Wins: 4971
Team Ranked Wins: 1418
Highest Rank: 1
DOW: FS 18833
Two Year Anniversary
And we're still fucking killin it.
Stay WINning