Guild Profile

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The LADs [LAD]
No Website
Rank: 7
Affiliation: Protectorate
Motto: Be a LAD

Guild Summary
A guild for anyone and everyone.
Message of the Day
WELCOME New Members!

-Recruiting Started

Drums of War
22230   27052   26848   26518
27238   38029   19875   29160

Recent Awards

No Awards Earned

Guild News

LADs Tournament

Posted by soulmilk @ 2016-08-09 03:13:28.0   (PUBLIC)

Every week, this guild is now arranging a tournament for its members.
Both new and older players are encouraged to participate.


1. Your Battlegroup may only contain Common, Uncommon and Rare runes + Warbanner.
2. You and another guild member have to agree the match is a LADs Tournament match.
(Click Battlegrounds, then Create Game. Have default settings on.)
3. You may only battle up to 5 other players this way per week, and they can't be the same player the same week.
4. Each Friday, send in your score to me.
5. There will be a prize lottery among everyone who sent in their score.
6. The 4 participants with the highest score will then during the weekend have a match against one another, and the 2 winners will then battle to see who is the week's champion.


1st Prize = 1x Exotic of your choice and 4x Lad Points.
2nd Prize = 1x Random Exotic and 3x Lad Points.
3rd Prize = 2x Rares of your choice 2x Lad Points.
4th Prize = 1x Rare of your choice and 1x Lad Point.
Lottery = 1x Random Limited Edition rune

At the end of the year. (31st December) The player with the most Lad Points will win a grand prize.
Grand Prize = ?????

This information may be found in the Guild Home. (Just however over "My Account" and click "My Guild.")


The Guild War

Posted by IMAGIRL @ 2014-12-31 03:08:11.0   (PUBLIC)

We have won the guild war. Congrats to all our participants.

Pox Academy Vs The LADs Score

Posted by IMAGIRL @ 2014-12-31 03:07:38.0   (PUBLIC)

Pox Academy Vs The LADs Score
Posted by gamer2009 @ Dec 28, 2014 6:14:01 AM (PUBLIC)


frits v aron - LAD 1
gamer v sealer - LAD 1
sealer v gamer - PA 1
gamer v gwarramor - PA 1
aron v gamer - PA 1
Dread v Bubble - LAD 1
Dread v Barney - LAD 1
gamer v Gwarramor - LAD 1
frits v bjerson - LAD 1
Bjerson v Burcho - PA 1
MNicolau v gamer - PA 1
gamer v Nakaruru - LAD 1
gamer v Netherzen - PA 1
noncpryte v gamer - LAD 1
Bjerson v Doomownage - LAD 1
tycoon v frits - LAD 1
tycoon v Doomownage - LAD 1
supatal v sharuks - PA 1
supatal v templaties - PA 1
tycoon v Doomownage - LAD 1
tycoon v frits - LAD 1
tycoon v D4rkSteel - LAD 1
Tiny v Bjerson - LAD 1
MNicolau v supatal - PA 1
MNicolau v supatal - PA 1
Tiny v Bjerson - PA 1
Tiny/King v Bzodiac/ Reciprocreation - PA 1
Bzodiac/Reciprocreation v Tiny/King - PA 1
Tiny v Bjerson - PA 1
sealer v kingjad - LAD 1
tycoon v Buddha - LAD 1
Spataro v tycoon - LAD 1
tycoon v 15Deadmen - LAD 1
tycoon v Kal - PA 1
gamer v cicknpox - PA 1


No Yes

