Guild Profile
Affiliation: Protectorate
Motto: Be a LAD
A guild for anyone and everyone.
No Awards Earned
LADs Tournament
Every week, this guild is now arranging a tournament for its members.
Both new and older players are encouraged to participate.
1. Your Battlegroup may only contain Common, Uncommon and Rare runes + Warbanner.
2. You and another guild member have to agree the match is a LADs Tournament match.
(Click Battlegrounds, then Create Game. Have default settings on.)
3. You may only battle up to 5 other players this way per week, and they can't be the same player the same week.
4. Each Friday, send in your score to me.
5. There will be a prize lottery among everyone who sent in their score.
6. The 4 participants with the highest score will then during the weekend have a match against one another, and the 2 winners will then battle to see who is the week's champion.
1st Prize = 1x Exotic of your choice and 4x Lad Points.
2nd Prize = 1x Random Exotic and 3x Lad Points.
3rd Prize = 2x Rares of your choice 2x Lad Points.
4th Prize = 1x Rare of your choice and 1x Lad Point.
Lottery = 1x Random Limited Edition rune
At the end of the year. (31st December) The player with the most Lad Points will win a grand prize.
Grand Prize = ?????
This information may be found in the Guild Home. (Just however over "My Account" and click "My Guild.")
The Guild War
We have won the guild war. Congrats to all our participants.
Pox Academy Vs The LADs Score
Pox Academy Vs The LADs Score
Posted by gamer2009 @ Dec 28, 2014 6:14:01 AM (PUBLIC)
frits v aron - LAD 1
gamer v sealer - LAD 1
sealer v gamer - PA 1
gamer v gwarramor - PA 1
aron v gamer - PA 1
Dread v Bubble - LAD 1
Dread v Barney - LAD 1
gamer v Gwarramor - LAD 1
frits v bjerson - LAD 1
Bjerson v Burcho - PA 1
MNicolau v gamer - PA 1
gamer v Nakaruru - LAD 1
gamer v Netherzen - PA 1
noncpryte v gamer - LAD 1
Bjerson v Doomownage - LAD 1
tycoon v frits - LAD 1
tycoon v Doomownage - LAD 1
supatal v sharuks - PA 1
supatal v templaties - PA 1
tycoon v Doomownage - LAD 1
tycoon v frits - LAD 1
tycoon v D4rkSteel - LAD 1
Tiny v Bjerson - LAD 1
MNicolau v supatal - PA 1
MNicolau v supatal - PA 1
Tiny v Bjerson - PA 1
Tiny/King v Bzodiac/ Reciprocreation - PA 1
Bzodiac/Reciprocreation v Tiny/King - PA 1
Tiny v Bjerson - PA 1
sealer v kingjad - LAD 1
tycoon v Buddha - LAD 1
Spataro v tycoon - LAD 1
tycoon v 15Deadmen - LAD 1
tycoon v Kal - PA 1
gamer v cicknpox - PA 1