Guild Profile

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The Stoner's Lounge [TSL]
No Website
Rank: Unranked
Affiliation: Wrath
Motto: Go! Fight him! I DON'T CARE

Guild Summary
Non-competitive, FW zealotry, 420 blaze it discussions, semi-active pox homies 4 life
Message of the Day
PM TeaScholar for Q's

Drums of War
Forsaken Waste
6319   12229   4761   8535
5572   7580   3581   26811

Recent Awards

No Awards Earned

Guild News

New Client

Posted by OriginalG1 @ 2017-05-30 07:21:28.0   (PUBLIC)

Welcome back you Forsaken Mother Firkers! If any of you are coming back to check out the new client send me a message on the website or forums and I will do my best to set up a game date!

Welcome Back

Posted by TeaScholar @ 2015-11-26 11:27:53.0   (PUBLIC)

To all the old members who are coming back to the guild and playing again!

Bone Health

Posted by OriginalG1 @ 2016-06-19 04:47:34.0   (PUBLIC)

"Xulos says that Grekin dose not produce milk. That if we want milk, we must take it!"

-An undead warrior, that got his.


No Yes

