How do I end a game?
Ending a game happens in three different ways. The first way is when one player destroys the opposing player's shrine.
You can also request a Friendly Quit or you can Surrender from a match.
A Friendly Quit request means that you are asking the opposing player if you can quit without the match counting as credit towards rankings. The opposing player can either accept the Friendly Quit or decline it.
Surrendering means that you are succumbing to defeat, and you accept the loss. This counts as a loss for you and a win for your opponent.
Both of these options are available in the in-game menu, which can be accessed by pressing the ESC key.
Exiting the game while a game is in play will result in a loss for you and a victory for your opponent.;jsessionid=C6B66F37C7A959A9B5E27B40D1758803?i=0&id=5