Current News
Posted by Slugbait @ Dec 18, 2024 12:37:26 AM
Greetings Pox Nora players! For this year end patch, we have focused on a large number of fixes for various spells, abilities, relics and equipment which have had errors or were not working correctly. The client has received some features to bring back further old functionality as well as having further fixes and improvements. We have also made a number of balance changes.
Drums of War 40 has begun!
Classic bases
* Added the ability to show bases for Champions. Relive the haydays of your youth with this classic look!
* By default, the "modern" view of no bases is set. In the options menu from the main menu, bases can be enabled with and without HP bars and with either red/blue coloring or the even more classic grey/black coloring
UI Improvements
* Fixed the display of the description when highlighting equipment on a rune
* The custom games lobby now shows a count of games that are awaiting players for both 1v1 and 2v2 games below the appropriate tab
* The Deck Manager now shows the Faction Bonus when editing decks
* Fixed a sorting issue with the user list related to if players had a 2v2 rank but not a 1v1 rank
* Improved the display of the Drums of War display on the client main menu so that it accurately matches the website and shows the results of the war earlier in the DoW (for when subsequent DoWs are started)
* Various other UI cleanup
* Fixed an issue that prevented the Playstation DualSense controller from working in game
FX and Art
* Optimized the visual effect for Summon Ant and Strategic Retreat
* Added over 80 pieces of high-res rune artwork for various runes
Matchmaking & Ranked Play
* The matchmaker for ranked games has been adjusted to be more strict about matching players of equal rank to each other, although it is still less restrictive than before the November patch in order to help improve queue times
* As part of the start of Drums of War 40, ranks have been reset.
* The following Runes have been unbanned from ranked play: Consume Resources, Identity Crisis, Energy Overload, Last Stand
* Blood Convergence changed to: Target enemy champion within 5 spaces loses 4 HP per Blood Ball within 3 spaces of it. Those Blood Balls are consumed and this champion vampiric heals for 50% of the HP lost.* Blood Dispersal changed to: When this champion successfully damages a Bloodied champion with a basic attack, friendly champions within 6 spaces of it are healed for the same amount, divided evenly among damaged champions, to a minimum of 1 and a maximum 6.
* Bloodseeker champion nora cost changed from 10 to 8
* Council: Spells champion nora cost changed from 10 to 8
* Raider champion nora cost changed from 6 to 4
* Resistance: Physical champion nora cost changed from 6/8/10 to 4/6/8
* Sabotage: Lethargy changed to: The next enemy champion deployed from the runedock while this champion is in play has -2 DMG and Lethargic.
* Snow Shroud AP cost changed from 3 to 2
* Summon: Young Imp champion nora cost changed from 15 to 11
* Warlord changed to: When a friendly champion within 5 spaces that shares a race or class with this one makes a successful targeted attack, this champion gains +1 MAX RNG and +1 DMG for 1 turn. This ability can trigger up to 3 times per turn.
* Fixed an issue in which when Eviscerating Luminescence would apply Eviscerated at the start of the controller's turns, it could trigger the DOT damage immediately during the turn switch process if the opposing unit was not already Eviscerated
* Fixed an issue in which when Scouring Luminescence would apply Scoured at the start of the controller's turns, it could trigger the DOT damage immediately during the turn switch process if the opposing unit was not already Scoured
* Fixed an issue in which when Soultap Luminescence would apply Soultapped at the start of the controller's turns, it could trigger the DOT damage immediately during the turn switch process if the opposing unit was not already Soultapped
* Fixed an issue in which Defiling Luminescence would apply Defiled and Cursed at the start of the controller's turns, it could apply those conditions which immediately had their duration reduced
* Fixed an issue in which if a champion had multiple different Provision abilities, only one of them could have its effect active
* Fixed an issue in which the buff from Provision: X was not removed if the ability was lost
* Fixed an issue in which Soul Collection could cause a fatal error that would end games prematurely
* Fixed an issue in which Drink Healing Potion would heal than Cleanse, rather than correctly Cleansing and then healing the champion
* Fixed an issue in which Slothful could leave Immobile on a champion permanently in some rare cases
* Fixed an issue in which the abilities Ice Veil and Sand Veil applied multiple copies of terrain changes when it was on a 2x2 unit, leading to issues with network connectivity and client performance (and could cause the game client to become unresponsive in some cases)
* Fixed an issue in which Fire Prison would damage and cause Charred to friendly units if they were next to the unit using Fire Prison
* Fixed an issue in which Jellebrium Mind would cause the player's client to report that Teleport was still on cooldown on turn start even though it was no longer on cooldown
* Adjusted Devour Life so that when two units with the lowest amount of HP have the same amount of HP, it picks the one that was deployed first rather than being random
* Fixed an issue in which non-real champions would affect the order in which Mindslicer Boomerang would hit champions
* Removed debug text that was shown in the combat log upon activation of Lava-Fall
* Fixed an issue in which you could determine which champions were Illusions due to them not showing their upgrade markers on abilities
Forglar SwampCortices the Infinite
* Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Hunter: Soultapped, Confuse Enemy, Wisdom*
* Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Swap 3, Noetic Mind, Afflict 2*
* Nora Cost changed from 84 to 83 (83-85)
Darkmarsh Fury
* DMG changed from 10 to 9
* Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Book Burn, Ally: Forsaken Waste, Spellswallower*
* Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Soultap, Burn 1*, Rabid 1
* Nora Cost changed from 72 to 71 (71-74)
Firk Voidmage
* Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Hunter: Soultapped, Confuse Enemy, Wisdom*
* Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Swap 3, Noetic Mind, Afflict 2*
* Nora Cost changed from 84 to 83 (83-85)
Sixul the Worldender
* Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Flame Siphon 1, Logistics: Damage, Flame Armor*
Swampguard Crusher
* Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Combat Awareness 1, Precision, Mobility*
Forsaken Wastes
* DMG changed from 9 to 10
* Removed base ability Gravebind
* Removed base ability Rebuke 3
* Added base ability Elusive
* Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Flanking*, Gravebind, Hit and Run
* Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Dread, Summon: Bone Trap, Logistics: Range*
* Nora Cost changed from 77 to 78 (78-78)
Coragh Two-Heads
* Removed base ability Brain Eater
* Removed base ability Pariah
* Added base ability Eternal
* Nora Cost changed from 85 to 84 (84-86)
Death Harvester
* Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Retreat 2, Detection 3, Gift of Scrying*
* Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Immortality, Forage*, Dead Eater
* Nora Cost changed from 59 to 60 (60-65)
Golden Lamia
* DMG changed from 8 to 9
* HP changed from 48 to 45
* Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Punish*, Bleed, Frightful Blows
* Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Life Siphon*, Cull, Psychological Warfare
* Nora Cost changed from 74 to 73 (71-75)
* Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Thunderous Charge*, Encouraged, Mobility
Lost Queen
* Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Disease Aura 3, Psychic Magnetism*
Undead Magister
* Removed base ability Spell Charged 2
* Added base ability Grant: Teleport
* Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Death Charged 1*, Spell Charged 2, Death Charged 2
* Nora Cost changed from 72 to 73 (71-78)
Wretched Witch
* Added race: Undead
Ironfist Stronghold
Talgar Ironfist
* DMG changed from 14 to 13
* Removed base ability Initiative 1
* Removed base ability Pace
* Added base ability Initiative 2
* Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Regeneration 2, Tough 1, Logistics: Damage*
* Nora Cost changed from 100 to 91 (90-92)
K'thir Forest
Aurora Inspector
* HP changed from 51 to 49
* Removed base ability Evasive 1
* Added base ability Damage Shield: Magical 3
* Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Wisdom, Enchant: Magic, Fellowship*
* Nora Cost changed from 72 to 71 (69-72)
Aurora Investigator
* DMG changed from 11 to 10
* SPD changed from 6 to 5
* Added base ability Ready 1
* Nora Cost changed from 73 to 70 (70-71)
* DMG changed from 12 to 11
* Added base ability Wisdom
* Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Grant: Electricity Aura, Tempo*, Spell Aegis
Dugon, Garu Stalwart
* Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Counter Attack: Melee, Perseverance, Assault*
Elven Page
* Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Soften, Solar Flare*, Stall
Fairy Trickster
* Removed base ability Spell Charged 1
* Added base ability Spell Charged 2
Garu Kodiak
* HP changed from 56 to 54
* Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Reinforcement 1*, Rend 2, Punish
* Nora Cost changed from 83 to 82 (82-83)
Guardian of the Circle
* DEF changed from 2 to 1
* HP changed from 52 to 50
* Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Devotee of De'lim*, Spell Charged 3, Resilient
* Nora Cost changed from 72 to 73 (70-75)
Light of the Circle
* Nora Cost changed from 73 to 71 (70-73)
Wind Sprinter
* DEF changed from 0 to 1
* HP changed from 33 to 34
* Removed base ability Combat Awareness 1
* Removed base ability Mountaineer
* Nora Cost changed from 73 to 72 (71-74)
Sundered Lands
* Removed base ability Regeneration 3
* Added base ability Unspeakable
* Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Regeneration 3, Sapping Armor*, Scale Armor
* Nora Cost changed from 91 to 93 (91-93)
Draksar High Priest
* Removed base ability Vulnerability: Physical
* Added base ability Vulnerability: Magical
* Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Amplify: Fire, Council: Spells*, Favor
* Nora Cost changed from 73 to 74 (74-75)
Draksar Hunchback
* Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Resistance: Physical 3, Bold*, Slowing Armor
Priest of Fury
* HP changed from 42 to 43
* Removed base ability Vulnerable
* Nora Cost changed from 70 to 73 (72-77)
Serpentor Ardent
* Removed base ability Heart Strike
* Added base ability Logistics: Speed
* Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Fearsome Hunter*, Hunter: Crippled, Heart Strike
* Nora Cost changed from 84 to 83 (82-85)
Shattered Peaks
Baby Slag
* Removed base ability Flourish
* Added base ability Charm 3
Chaos Brave
* Removed base ability Initiator
* Added base ability Resilient
Cyclops Chieftain
* Removed base ability Dictate
* Added base ability Sweep
* Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Chuck: Mangled Totem*, Battlemaster 3, Intimidating
* Nora Cost changed from 80 to 85 (79-85)
Cyclops Stormcaller
* Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Lightning Skewer, Lightning Storm 3*, Arcblade: Electricity
Cyclops Symbiot
* DMG changed from 12 to 11
* Removed base ability Absorb
* Added base ability Drudgery
* Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Trample, Damage Aura 3, Imposing Aura*
Cyclops Wardrummer
* Removed base ability Vitalize
* Added base ability Knockback 3
* Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Vitalize, Rallying Cries 2*, Demoralizing Descant
* Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Battle Drum*
* Nora Cost changed from 60 to 65 (64-65)
Klub the Devourer
* DMG changed from 13 to 12
* Removed base ability Vigorous Cry
* Added base ability Blood Rage
* Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Counter Attack: Melee, Pummel 2, Guarded: Cyclops*
* Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Brutality, Warlord*, Multiattack 1
* Nora Cost changed from 93 to 90 (88-90)
Terraced Slag
* DMG changed from 7 to 8
* Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Tunnel: Ooze, Sabotage: Acid*, Acid Eater
* Nora Cost changed from 69 to 72 (72-73)
Voil Queen
* Removed base ability Surge: Voil
* Added base ability Grand Entrance
* Added base ability Motivate
* Nora Cost changed from 73 to 74 (74-75)
Savage Tundra
Crystal Wolverine
* Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Sapping Armor*, Evasive 3, Reflexes 3
* Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Blood Frenzy 2, Blood Rage*, Spike Nova 3
Elemental Core
* DMG changed from 11 to 12
* Removed base ability Frost Amped
* Removed base ability Spell Charged 3
* Added base ability Sapping Armor
* Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Resolute, Slowing Armor*, Reflection 5
* Nora Cost changed from 84 to 85 (84-87)
Ferren Cloudwisp
* Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Grant: Teleport, Phase Shift, Portal Dancer*
Bok Enforcer
* Added class: Knight
* Added base ability Prestige
* Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Terrorize*, Logistics: Speed, Spell Aegis
* Nora Cost changed from 73 to 75 (75-76)
Bok Gatekeeper
* Removed base ability Deflect
* Removed base ability Resilient
* Added base ability Tough 2
* Added base ability Block 1
* Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Protective, Fellowship*, Teleport: Equipped
* Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Provision: Speed, Resilient*, Defender of Chaos 1
* Nora Cost changed from 68 to 69 (69-69)
Bok Guardian
* HP changed from 46 to 48
* Removed base ability Toss Equipment
* Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Provision: Defense, Fearsome Hunter, Feint*
Bok Raider
* Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Burn 2*, Farshot 2, Volley Leader
* Nora Cost changed from 77 to 76 (76-76)
Bok Warden
* Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Impair Vision*, Volley Leader, Pace
* Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Vengeful, Creep and Crawl*, Tunnel: Lava
Corrupted Cultist
* Removed base ability Vulnerability: Physical
* Added base ability Defenseless
* Nora Cost changed from 65 to 68 (68-68)
Deep Elf Ritualist
* Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Magical Aura 3*, Flame Charge, Blood Magic
Deep Elf Summoner
* DMG changed from 7 to 8
* Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Suppression, Invigorate 2, Invigorate 1*
* Nora Cost changed from 65 to 69 (69-77)
* Removed base ability Defenseless
* Added base ability Vulnerability: Magical
* Added base ability Bleed
* Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Summon: Young Imp, Souldrinker*, Death Harvest
* Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Swarm: Deep-Elf Skeleton*, Underdepths Exploit, Weaken Spells
* Nora Cost changed from 79 to 78 (78-83)
* DMG changed from 9 to 10
* Removed base ability Unequippable
* Added base ability Wisdom
* Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Fire Acolyte, Regeneration 2*, Immunity: Fire
Hekatian Arbiter
* DEF changed from 2 to 1
Hekatian Bloodguard
* DMG changed from 11 to 10
* HP changed from 52 to 50
* Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Bloodseeker, Aid Defense*, Punishing Aura 2
* Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Vigilance*, Blood for Nora, Teleport: Blood Ball
* DMG changed from 15 to 14
* HP changed from 58 to 56
* Removed base ability Multiattack 1
* Added base ability Quest: Damage
* Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Mobility*, Creep and Crawl, Pace
* Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Logistics: Speed*, Surge: Arthropod 1, Punish
* DMG changed from 21 to 18
* Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Cataclysm, Lava Storm*, Annihilate
* Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Regeneration 3*, Violence Charged 1, Set Ablaze
* Nora Cost changed from 98 to 96 (90-104)
Minotaur Mageknight
* SPD changed from 7 to 6
* HP changed from 54 to 51
* Added base ability Flame Nova 3
* Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Shield Allies, Spell Aegis, Logistics: Speed*
* Nora Cost changed from 80 to 78 (78-78)
Minotaur Render
* Removed class: Brute
* Added class: Knight
Nefari Fireslinger
* Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Spell Aegis*, Flame Nova 3, Flame Prison
Nefari Messenger
* Removed base ability Initiative 2
* Added base ability Reinforcement 2
Redcap Twins
* DMG changed from 8 to 9
* Removed base ability Hunter: Bloodied
* HP changed from 52 to 54
* Removed base ability Spur
* Added base ability Punish
* Added base ability Tormented
* Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Rotting Blows*, Provision: Speed, Precision
* Nora Cost changed from 80 to 82 (82-82)
Vothsair Ireguard
* Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Battlemaster 3, Dread*, Punishing Aura 2
Forglar Swamp / K'thir Forest
Tortun Battle Mystic
* RNG changed from 3-4 to 2-4
* Removed base ability Arrow Eater
* Added base ability Elusive
* Nora Cost changed from 75 to 74 (74-74)
Forsaken Wastes / Savage Tundra
Hoarfrost Dragon
* DMG changed from 11 to 12
* HP changed from 54 to 52
* Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Imposing Aura, Frost Aura 3*, Sweep
* Nora Cost changed from 76 to 75 (73-77)
K'thir Forest / Savage Tundra
Snare Fairy
* Added base ability Arctic
Sundered Lands / Underdepths
Rip Demon Alpha
* Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Fearsome Hunter, Reflection 2, Hunter: Meek*
* Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Ferocious Bite*, Sabotage: Fire, Death Nova: Fire 3
* Dragon Skull changed to: Fire and Acid damage dealt to champions are both increased by 20%.* Poisonquill Trap's Nora Cost changed from 25 to 30
* Haunting Grip changed to: Summon a Haunting Spirit with no upgrades and Short Lived 1 adjacent to target champion. When this Haunting Spirit is summoned, it gains 3 AP and automatically attempts to use Latch On on the target champion.* Hellfire's Nora Cost changed from 30 to 35
* Kiss of Vex changed to: Target champion gains Vulnerability: Fire and Vulnerability: Acid for 6 turns. If this effect leaves play before the champion is destroyed, you gain 25 nora.
* Kiss of Vex's Nora Cost changed from 25 to 30
* Marsh Song changed to: For 7 rounds, you gain 8 nora at the end of your turns.
* Marsh Song's Nora Cost changed from 35 to 30
* Nature's Wrath's Nora Cost changed from 40 to 45
* Fixed an issue in which illusions created by Mirrorhold could drop Nora Globes in some rare cases when they are destroyed immediately upon creation
* Blade of the Snake changed to: Equipped champion that has a MAX RNG of 2 or less gains Zeal: Damage. If this equipment was deployed from the rune dock, it also gains Quest: Kill Enemy. If equipped champion is Race: Archdemon, it also gains Unstoppable.* Blade of the Snake's Nora Cost changed from 40 to 35
* Firelight Gem changed to: Equipped champion gains Iron Will and Solar Flare. If it is Race: Demon Elf or has Attack: Fire, it also gains Flame Prison.
* Firelight Gem's Nora Cost changed from 40 to 25
* Hekatian Blood Draught changed to: Equipped champion gains Melee Specialist 2 and Bloodseeker. If equipped champion is race: Archdemon or has Bleed, it also gains Bloodsport.
* Helm of Chaos changed to: Equipped champion that is Size:Small and is Race: Archdemon or Class: Knight gains Absorb, Command: Charge, Deception and Reckless.
* Sheoul Firebow changed to: Equipped champion gains Sheoul Firebow (This champion makes a Fire attack at RNG 3-5 at +2 DMG) and Hunter: Quick. If it is Race: Demon Elf, it gains Declare Vengeance.
* Sheoul Firebow's Nora Cost changed from 35 to 30
* Slaver's Whip changed to: Equipped champion gains Drive. If equipped champion is Race: G'hern, it also gains Command: Charge. If equipped champion is Race: Voil, it gains Command: Block instead.
* Slaver's Whip's Nora Cost changed from 45 to 30
* Fixed an issue in which a champion equipped with Ghost Pendant would not lose Phase Shift and Soultap Feedback upon losing the equipment