Current News

Mid-September 2024 Balance Update
Posted by Slugbait @ Sep 10, 2024 3:52:05 AM


* Cast: Dark Pact changed to: Target a champion you own within 5 spaces. The next time this champion is the target of a spell within 6 turns, that spell is cast upon the closest enemy champion instead. Your shrine or avatar takes 5 damage when triggered. If the champion is not a valid target, the spell fizzles. This effect is hidden until triggered.
* Command: Charge AP cost changed from 4 to 3
* Eradicate changed to: Spend all charges. Target champion within 5 spaces loses 2 HP for each charge spent this way (up to 20 HP).
* Portal Walker changed to: When this champion is successfully relocated, it has +2 DMG until its next attack or for 6 turns.
* Revere: Thirion changed to: While this champion is in play, Thirion costs 10% less nora to deploy. While Thirion is in play this champion gains +2 RNG.
* Sneak changed to: This unit becomes Stealthed at the end of your turn if you have runes in your rune dock that are still concealed and there are no enemy champions within 3 spaces.
* Summon: Dreamblossom AP cost changed from 0 to 3
* Fixed an issue in with the effect of the ability Demoralizing Descant was not cleansable
* Fixed an issue in which the ability Logistics: Damage was giving +4 DMG instead of +3 DMG
* Fixed an issue in which the ability Melee Specialist (all ranks) was triggering on units being within 3 spaces rather than 2 spaces.
* Fixed an issue in which the ability Hunter: Hero would not trigger on units that cost more than 80 Nora
* Fixed an issue in which the ability Pace would trigger on on non-basic attacks
* Fixed an issue in which the ability Zombie Apocalypse would not correctly trigger in some cases


Forglar Swamp

Circadian Arcanist
* Added class: Wizard
* Removed class: Monk
* SPD changed from 5 to 6
* RNG changed from 4-6 to 5-6
* Removed base ability Alluring Discipline
* Removed base ability Illuminate
* Added base ability Adept Arcanist
* Added base ability Grant: Magical Aura
* Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Magic Blast, Magic Acolyte, Illuminate*
* Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Amphibious, Semi Aquatic*
* Nora Cost changed from 69 to 71 (70-72)

Firk Botanist
* DMG changed from 8 to 9
* Removed base ability Catalyst: Psychic
* Added base ability Psychic Magnetism

Firk Executor
* DMG changed from 9 to 8
* RNG changed from 5-6 to 4-6
* Removed base ability Corruption
* Added base ability Overkill: Healing
* Added base ability Defenseless
* Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Grant: Evasive*, Hunter: Soultapped, Corruption

Firk Mindweaver
* Removed base ability Deception
* Added base ability Confuse
* Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Dodge 1*, Evasive 2, Pawn
* Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Psychic Compulsion, Stall*, Mindwipe Aura 2

Firk Prophet
* Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Healing Mind*, Revere: Hydraxor, Impart

Firk Savant
* Removed base ability Spell Charged
* Added base ability Spell Charged 2
* Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Charged Magic Bomb*, Magical Bomb 3, Favor
* Nora Cost changed from 79 to 78 (78-81)

Firk Sensorate
* DMG changed from 10 to 11
* SPD changed from 6 to 7
* Removed base ability Vindictive
* Nora Cost changed from 83 to 82 (79-84)

Firk Soulthief
* Removed base ability Nora Induction
* Added base ability Magic Ward
* Nora Cost changed from 77 to 78 (78-79)

Firk Spellblaster
* DEF changed from 0 to 1
* Removed base ability Spellswallower
* Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Damage Shield: Magical 3*, Hunter: Mage, Spellswallower

Firk Voidmage
* Removed base ability Confuse Enemy
* Added base ability Vulnerable
* Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Confuse Enemy*, Drain 2, Soul Vitality
* Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Swap 3*, Afflict 2, Soul Collection
* Nora Cost changed from 83 to 85 (85-85)

Kartch, Finlord
* Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Hit and Run, Swamp Exploit, Motivate*

Marsh Warden
* HP changed from 49 to 47
* Removed base ability Initiative
* Added base ability Initiative 1
* Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Declare Hunted, Ally: K'thir Forest, Logistics: Damage*
* Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Combat Awareness 2, Poisonburst*, Dodge 2
* Nora Cost changed from 78 to 77 (77-79)

* DMG changed from 10 to 9
* HP changed from 50 to 46
* Removed base ability Ponderous
* Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Immunity: Psychic, Immunity: Disease*, Immunity: Electricity
* Nora Cost changed from 57 to 68 (68-70)

Forsaken Wastes

Afflicted Corpse
* Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Disease Aura 2, Latch On, Disease Aura 3*
* Nora Cost changed from 49 to 50 (46-50)

Crypt Guardian
* Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Brain Eater*, Grace of the Dead 1, Drain 2

Infected Zombie
* HP changed from 49 to 47
* Removed base ability Disease Aura
* Added base ability Brain Eater
* Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Ignorance, Disease Aura 3*
* Nora Cost changed from 67 to 66 (66-68)

Lost Queen
* DMG changed from 8 to 9
* HP changed from 44 to 46
* Added base ability Dark Healing
* Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Disease Aura 3, Ravenous Torrent*, Psychic Magnetism
* Nora Cost changed from 74 to 79 (78-80)

Mairdreth of the Rot
* Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Disease Breath 3*, Revel in Misery, Forsaken Exploit
* Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Unspeakable*, Hunter: Diseased, Fearsome Hunter
* Nora Cost changed from 91 to 94 (91-94)

Risen Moga
* DMG changed from 11 to 10
* HP changed from 44 to 42
* Removed base ability Lethargic
* Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Ally: Shattered Peaks, Zombie Apocalypse, Damage Shield: Disease 2*
* Nora Cost changed from 59 to 60 (56-63)

Ironfist Stronghold

Amethyst Wing
* DMG changed from 11 to 9
* HP changed from 48 to 50
* Removed base ability Lightning Storm
* Removed base ability Reckless
* Removed base ability Zealot
* Added base ability Fury
* Added base ability Provision: Offense
* Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Stat Bonus: Defense 2*, Electricity Aura 3, Grant: Electricity Aura
* Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Purified, Instigate*, Reflection 4

Dwarven Medic
* Removed base ability Immunity: Disease
* Added base ability Grant: Healing Potion
* Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Karmic Reward, Command: Heal, Carouse*
* Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Heal Champion 3, Heal Champion 2*, First Aid 3
* Nora Cost changed from 54 to 56 (55-59))

Elemental Warstaff
* Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Immunity: Frost*, Immunity: Magical, Immunity: Fire
* Nora Cost changed from 58 to 62 (62-65)

Griffin Fledgling
* Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Sweep, Howling Attack, Stat Bonus: Speed 1*

Obsidian Wing
* HP changed from 54 to 56
* Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Perseverance, Sapping Armor, Tough 2*
* Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Stun, Revere: Drakon*, Binding Chains
* Nora Cost changed from 78 to 80 (80-84)

Platinum Wing
* Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Hunter: Flying, Fellowship*, Cripple
* Nora Cost changed from 73 to 74 (74-75)

Prismatic Wing
* DMG changed from 11 to 12
* SPD changed from 7 to 8
* DEF changed from 1 to 2
* HP changed from 48 to 50
* Removed base ability Anthomancy
* Removed base ability Lightning Skewer
* Added base ability Spellsurge: Suppress
* Added base ability Swap 3
* Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Favor, Imbue: Stun, Adaptation*
* Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Surge: Enemy, Deflect*, Evasive 3
* Nora Cost changed from 79 to 84 (83-85)

K'thir Forest

Apprentice Mage
* DMG changed from 8 to 9
* DEF changed from 0 to 1
* Removed base ability Paralyze

* Added base ability Opportunistic
* Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Relocate: Relic*, Encouraged, Illuminate

Bliss the Muse
* Removed base ability Regal Presence
* Added base ability Healing Mind
* Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Cleansing Aura*, Regal Presence, Hawk Attack

* DMG changed from 11 to 12
* Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Aim, Blindfire, Counter Attack: Ranged*

Chained Fae
* DMG changed from 6 to 5
* SPD changed from 5 to 4
* Removed base ability Attack: Magical
* Added base ability Portal
* Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Swap 2, Swap 3*
* Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Adaptive, Stat Bonus: Health 2, Vitality: Nora*

Fae Oracle
* Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Logistics: Force Barrier*, Suppression, Fairy Dust
* Nora Cost changed from 77 to 80 (80-81)

* DMG changed from 11 to 9
* DEF changed from 0 to 1
* Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Domain: Vegetation, Forest Front*
* Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Detection 1, Detection 3, Detection 2*
* Nora Cost changed from 60 to 62 (61-65)

Garu Chosen
* HP changed from 52 to 50
* Removed base ability Impenetrable
* Added base ability Blessed
* Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Amplify: Magic*, Commander, Magical Bomb 2
* Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Magic Acolyte, Purified, Revere: Thirion*
* Nora Cost changed from 74 to 75 (74-75)

Garu Hurler
* RNG changed from 2-4 to 3-5
* HP changed from 48 to 46
* Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Farshot 2, Aim, Knockback 3*
* Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Stone Barrage, Stone Bomb 3*
* Nora Cost changed from 73 to 72 (72-74)

Guardian of the Circle
* Added base ability Arctic

Snake Charmer
* DMG changed from 5 to 0
* Removed base ability Charm
* Added base ability Charm 3
* Nora Cost changed from 57 to 61 (59-68)

Sundered Lands

Draksar Shifter
* Removed base ability Violent
* Nora Cost changed from 80 to 82 (82-87)

Flagellum of Chains
* Removed base ability Careless
* Added base ability Nora Induction
* Nora Cost changed from 83 to 84 (84-84)

Negation Mage
* DEF changed from 0 to 1
* HP changed from 44 to 42
* Removed base ability Skeezick Alliance
* Added base ability Death Charged 1
* Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Skeezick Alliance*, Drain 2, Nora Leech

Skeezick Blackguard
* Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Relic Guardian*, Perseverance, Counter Attack: Melee

Skeezick Drummer
* DEF changed from 2 to 1
* HP changed from 36 to 40
* Added base ability Skeezick Alliance
* Added base ability Ready 1
* Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Block 1, Stun, Regeneration 2*
* Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Sonicburst*, Rallying Cries 2, Deafening Aura
* Nora Cost changed from 60 to 65 (65-66)

Skeezick General
* RNG changed from 1-2 to 1
* Added base ability Skeezick Alliance
* Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Pummel 2*, Commander, Martyrdom
* Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Vengeful*, Command: Charge, Command: Block

Skeezick Ripper
* DMG changed from 10 to 11
* RNG changed from 1-2 to 1
* DEF changed from 1 to 0
* Added base ability Conqueror

Shattered Peaks

Oozeking Slag
* Removed base ability Absorb
* Removed base ability Trail: Ooze
* Added base ability Intimidating
* Added base ability Psychic Magnetism
* Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Corrosive Grenade, Guarded: Slag*, Psychic Compulsion
* Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Acid Bomb 3*, Gravity Well, Regal Presence
* Nora Cost changed from 82 to 85 (85-85)

Slag Overmind
* DMG changed from 8 to 9
* Removed base ability Relocate: Ally
* Removed base ability Trail: Ooze
* Added base ability Mindwipe Aura 2
* Added base ability Grant: Evasive
* Added base ability Mind Lock
* Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Weaken Spells, Relocate: Ally*, Illusion of Lies
* Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Spell Breach, Spellswallower*, Regeneration 2
* Nora Cost changed from 79 to 77 (77-80)

Sonic Elemental
* DMG changed from 9 to 10
* HP changed from 41 to 45
* Added base ability Damage Shield: Sonic 2
* Added base ability Immunity: Sonic
* Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Grant: Sonic Aura, Sonic Aura 3, Sonicburst*
* Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Absorb, Evasive 2*, Amplify: Sonic
* Nora Cost changed from 70 to 72 (70-74)

Thunder Elemental
* DEF changed from 2 to 1
* HP changed from 51 to 49
* Removed base ability Tremor
* Added base ability Charge 3
* Added base ability Thunderous Charge
* Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Grant: Sonic Aura, Reflection 5, Sonic Aura 3*
* Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Sonicburst*, Tremor, Slowing Armor

Voil Skyhowler
* HP changed from 43 to 44
* Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Sonicburst*, Howling Attack, Hostile
* Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Grant: Sonic Aura*, Blood Frenzy 2, Sonic Roar
* Nora Cost changed from 74 to 73 (72-73)

Whirling Quarry
* HP changed from 48 to 50
* Added base ability Spellsurge: Elemental Vortex
* Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Shroud, Adaptation*, Absorb
* Nora Cost changed from 79 to 80 (78-81)

Savage Tundra

Crystal Howler
* Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Sonicburst*, Aid Defense, Howling Attack
* Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Ponderous Blows, Camaraderie , Confuse*
* Nora Cost changed from 70 to 71 (68-71)

Jakei Elder
* HP changed from 38 to 40
* Removed base ability Ice Veil
* Added base ability Chill 1
* Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Iceguard*, Crystallize, Frost Acolyte

Keeper of Memories
* Added base ability Deploy Charged 2
* Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Domain: Arctic, Psychological Warfare, Anthomancy*
* Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Death Charged 1, Death Charged 2, Healing Mind*
* Nora Cost changed from 87 to 84 (81-84)

Nohkan Grandmaster
* DMG changed from 11 to 12
* SPD changed from 6 to 7
* Removed base ability Forbidden Discipline
* Added base ability Chilling Discipline
* Nora Cost changed from 74 to 80 (79-80)

Tundra Yeti
* DMG changed from 12 to 10
* HP changed from 45 to 46
* Removed base ability Cleave
* Removed base ability Gore
* Added base ability Crushing Blow
* Added base ability Fearsome Hunter
* Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Slam, Tough 1*, Resilient
* Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Blood Bond 2, Resolute*, Power Attack 3
* Nora Cost changed from 66 to 69 (69-69)

Vallassa the Elder
* Removed base ability Inhibiting Touch
* Nora Cost changed from 73 to 72 (71-76)

Wailing Yeti
* HP changed from 48 to 47
* Added base ability Unspeakable
* Added base ability Domain: Arctic
* Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Sonic Aura 3*, Horrific Aura 1, Sonic Roar
* Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Deafening Aura, Howling Attack, Frightful Blows*
* Nora Cost changed from 73 to 74 (73-74)

Yeti Ambusher
* DMG changed from 9 to 11
* RNG changed from 1-3 to 1-2
* HP changed from 45 to 48
* Added base ability Hidden: Arctic
* Added base ability Logistics: Speed
* Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Psychological Warfare, Tunnel: Snow, Domain: Arctic*
* Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Summon: Snow Trap, Assassinate 1, Fear 3*
* Nora Cost changed from 79 to 76 (76-78)

Yeti Druid
* Removed base ability Divert
* Added base ability Cleanse
* Added base ability Radiant Blow
* Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Cleansing Aura, Divert*, Soften
* Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Freeze, Crystallize*, Grant: Magical Aura

Yeti Shaman
* RNG changed from 2-4 to 3-4
* HP changed from 42 to 46
* Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Crystallize, Grant: Teleport, Swap 3*
* Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Freeze, Grant: Magical Aura*, Heal Mass 2


Ash Maiden
* Removed base ability Empowered: Speed
* Removed base ability Evasive
* Added base ability Logistics: Speed
* Added base ability Evasive 1
* Added base ability Mobility
* Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Death Nova: Fire 3, Spellsurge: Burnout*, Sabotage: Fire

Bok Enforcer
* HP changed from 52 to 50
* Removed base ability Opportunistic
* Added base ability Command: Dodge
* Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Battlemaster 2, Commander*, Hunter: Walker
* Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Terrorize, Logistics: Speed*, Prestige

Bok Gatekeeper
* Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Aid Defense, Relic Guardian, Enduring Aura 4*
* Nora Cost changed from 66 to 65 (65-68)

Bok Guardian
* HP changed from 49 to 48
* Removed base ability Empowered: Defense
* Added base ability Fearsome Hunter
* Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Punish, Block 1, Swap 3*

Bok Mistress
* Removed base ability Absorb
* Removed base ability Charm
* Added base ability Psychic Magnetism
* Added base ability Charm 3
* Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Thrash, Soothing Serenade*, Blood Dispersal
* Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Subsume*, Enchant: Magic, Bloodspurt

Deep Elf Infiltrator
* DMG changed from 10 to 11
* SPD changed from 7 to 6
* Added base ability Logistics: Speed

Deep Elf Priestess
* SPD changed from 7 to 6
* Added base ability Logistics: Speed

Deep Elf Ritualist
* Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Revere: Firemaw, Bloodspurt, Drain 2*
* Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Magical Aura 3*, Blood Convergence, Grant: Death Nova: Fire

Flowing Ember
* Removed base ability Grant: Tempo
* Added base ability Bestow

Goblin Arsonist
* DMG changed from 11 to 10
* SPD changed from 7 to 6
* HP changed from 50 to 46
* Removed base ability Death Nova: Fire
* Removed base ability Ponderous
* Removed base ability Reckless
* Added base ability Death Nova: Fire 3

Hekatian Arbiter
* HP changed from 53 to 52
* Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Terrorize, Blood Convergence, Logistics: Speed*
* Nora Cost changed from 81 to 80 (80-81)

Imp Familiar
* HP changed from 42 to 44
* Removed base ability Regeneration

Imp Jester
* DMG changed from 11 to 10
* RNG changed from 1-2 to 1
* Removed base ability Faithless
* Added base ability Mischief
* Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Blind, Cackle, Death Nova: Sonic 3*
* Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Evasive 2, Howling Attack, Grant: Sonic Aura*

Imp Trickster
* Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Grant: Sonic Aura, Deception*, Evasive 2
* Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Mirrorblade, Escape, Hex 2*
* Nora Cost changed from 68 to 70 (69-71)

Imp Vixen
* Removed base ability Abash
* Added base ability Charm 3
* Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Life Siphon*, Terrorize, Psychic Magnetism
* Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Subsume, Brain Eater*, Gluttony
* Nora Cost changed from 80 to 82 (81-82)

Magma Bunny
* SPD changed from 7 to 6
* HP changed from 44 to 46
* Removed base ability Vulnerability: Frost
* Added base ability Leap 3
* Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Sabotage: Fire, Fire Aura 2*, Domain: Lava
* Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Replicate, Split*
* Nora Cost changed from 66 to 62 (62-67)

Minotaur Gladiator
* Removed base ability Zeal: Defense
* Added base ability Hunter: Fighter

Minotaur Portalwalker
* DMG changed from 12 to 10
* Added base ability Teleport 1
* Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Flame Prison, Flame Nova 3*, Immunity: Magical
* Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Swap 3*, Portal Blast, Portal Dancer
* Nora Cost changed from 74 to 75 (74-76)

Nefari Fireslinger
* DMG changed from 10 to 11
* SPD changed from 6 to 7
* HP changed from 48 to 53
* Removed base ability Fire Eater
* Removed base ability Vulnerability: Frost
* Added base ability Flamestrike
* Added base ability Flame Armor
* Added base ability Reckless
* Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Escalation*, Fire Eater, Flameburst
* Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Fire Bomb 3*, Deflect: Fire, Lava Storm
* Nora Cost changed from 75 to 83 (82-85)

Nefari Griefsinger
* HP changed from 44 to 47
* Added base ability Death Nova: Sonic 3
* Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Sonic Roar, Amplify: Sonic, Sonic Aura 3*
* Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Demoralizing Descant, Grant: Sonic Aura, Sonicburst*
* Nora Cost changed from 65 to 73 (69-73)

Nefari Schemer
* Removed base ability Grant: Teleport
* Removed base ability Opportunistic
* Added base ability Swap 3
* Added base ability Logistics: Speed
* Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Hex 2, Fear 3, Stall*
* Nora Cost changed from 76 to 77 (76-77)

Sheoul Demon
* Removed race: Archdemon

* Added race: Mutant

Forglar Swamp / Sundered Lands

Draksar Psion
* RNG changed from 5-6 to 4-5
* HP changed from 40 to 42
* Nora Cost changed from 73 to 72 (72-72)

Forglar Swamp / Savage Tundra

Boghopper Blackhand
* Removed base ability Leap
* Added base ability Leap 2
* Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Counter Attack: Ranged, Sweep, Dodge 2*
* Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Fellowship*, Sundering Discipline, Feint
* Nora Cost changed from 80 to 82 (80-82)

Forsaken Wastes / Underdepths

Matriarch Sarinda
* HP changed from 42 to 44
* Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Violence Charged 1*, Death Charged 1, Corruption
* Nora Cost changed from 59 to 53 (52-56)

Stitched Blackguard
* Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Assault*, Hinder Movement, Relic Guardian
* Nora Cost changed from 65 to 67 (62-70)

Stitched Mangler
* HP changed from 41 to 44
* Added base ability Shred Defense
* Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Damage Shield: Physical 3*, Damage Shield: Physical 2, Damage Shield: Physical 1
* Nora Cost changed from 60 to 66 (64-71)

Vothsair Monstrosity
* HP changed from 55 to 56
* Removed base ability Dread
* Added base ability Fear 3
* Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Zombie Apocalypse*, Soul Vitality, Overkill: Healing
* Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Stun, Blood Rage, Disease Aura 3*
* Nora Cost changed from 82 to 83 (83-83)

Savage Tundra / Sundered Lands

Skybreak Dragon
* Removed base ability Evasive
* Added base ability Frost Greeting


* Morin's Corner's Nora Cost changed from 30 to 35
* Plague Trap's Nora Cost changed from 20 to 25
* Skull of Decay changed to: This unit has Contaminate Nora, Corrupting Aura and Amplify Disease.
* Sludge Pool changed to: This unit has Acid Eater, Ooze Aura and Hidden: Ooze. Friendly champions within 5 spaces with Race: Slag gain Acid Eater and Tunnel Ooze. If they already have Acid Eater, they gain Vigor: Acid instead.


* Desecration's Nora Cost changed from 30 to 35
* Summon Ant changed to: Summon a Polar Ant with Skirmisher and full AP to target space. It is removed from play at the end of your turn.
* Summon Ant's Nora Cost changed from 75 to 65
* Vertical Push changed to: Target champion is removed from play and closest friendly champion gains Font Ignorance for 3 turns. After 3 turns, this champion is returned to play in a random unoccupied location 1-4 squares from the location where it was launched, has its HP adjusted to before it was removed from play and takes 18 Physical damage. If there are no valid locations, the redeployment effect is delayed for 1 turn. This spell cannot target champions with Flying or Earthbound. If the champion is equipped, the nora cost of the equipment is refunded for the equipment's owner.
* Winged Purpose changed to: Area Effect 3: Friendly champions with a Flight or Sigil ability heal for 10 HP and gain Tough 1 and Resilient for 4 turns and have their Sigils triggered.
* Fixed an issue in which the spell Psychic Blast was directing all damage on the targeted unit rather than on units within range


* Bag of Filth's Nora Cost changed from 25 to 30
* Hekatian Blood Draught changed to: Equipped champion gains Melee Specialist 2 and Bloodseeker. If equipped champion is race: Archdemon or has Bleed, it also gains Unstoppable.
* Wildeye Bracers's Nora Cost changed from 25 to 30


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