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Wins: 1899   Losses: 4358
Achievement Points: 0
Guild: No Guild

Normal Completed:

Hard Completed:

Legendary Completed:

Campaigns Played: 80
Total Damage: 3151712
Campaigns Completed: 79
Total Turns: 0
Total Duration: 2491h 50m


Trials of the Protectorate

Trials of the Wrath

Grimlic's Descent

Euan's Last Stand

Skeezick Rebellion

Crazed Beasts

Triple Threat

Nora Surge

K'thir Forest Walkthrough

Hoppin' Mad

Elements at War: Protectorate

Elements at War: Wrath

Beginner Wrath Battles

Beginner Protectorate Battles

The Ancients Arrive

The Angels Descend

A Common Foe

Forglar Swamp Walkthrough

Savage Tundra Walkthrough

Ironfist Stronghold Walkthrough

Forsaken Wastes Walkthrough

Underdepths Walkthrough

Sundered Lands Walkthrough

Shattered Peaks Walkthrough

Wrath of the Exile

Dire Covenant

Maljaran Frontier Pt. 2

Maljaran Frontier Pt. 1

Pawn of the Matriarch Pt. 1

Pawn of the Matriarch Pt. 2

Bandit Prince: Ash's Story

The Last: Zeventrech's Story

Hunt for Sarinda

Pox Nora Classic: Protectorate I

Pox Nora Classic: Protectorate II

Pox Nora Classic: Wrath I

Pox Nora Classic: Wrath II

Protectorate Heroes I

Protectorate Heroes II

Wrath Heroes I

Wrath Heroes II

Maljaran Skirmish I

Maljaran Skirmish II

A Hero's Return


Pox at the Movies II: The Reckoning

The Windfuries

Old Guard I

Old Guard II


The Tide Turns

Monarchs of Wrath

Rule Breakers I

Rule Breakers II

Wanted I

Wanted III

Wanted II

Wanted IV

Most Wanted I

Most Wanted II

Pox at the Movies III: The Aftermath

Slick and Buzz in: Salaman Saviors!

Guardian of the Sarnghaver

The Demon Prince

The Army of Slags

The Land of Mutants

Tutorial Campaign



Abating Nora

Friends and Foes

Nefari Resurrection

Old Things

Hand of Death

Into the Swamp

Old Things II

Boon's Eve

Winter Holiday

True Love

Madness in the Mountains

Last Campaign Played
Current Campaign: Wanted I
Current Encounter: Wanted: Mastermind Slugtooth
Campaign Attempts: 37


No Yes

