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1      Alakhami

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Pox Nora is a collectible, turn-based, tactical, online fantasy game. Players command armies of fantastic creatures, cast spells of devastating power, and summon relics and equipment of ancient renown in order to defeat their opponents. Play Now!

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Forglar Swamp Balance Changes

by Slugbait @ Sat Jul 27 07:32:08 UTC 2024

Some champion changes for Forglar Swamp.

Kartch, Finlord
* DMG changed from 11 to 12
* Removed base ability Bulwark
* Added base ability Leap 3
* Upgrade Path 1 changed to: Cripple, Fellowship*, Battle Leader
* Upgrade Path 2 changed to: Motivate*, Bravery, Swamp Exploit

Gekaal, High One
* DEF changed from 0 to 1
* HP changed from 48 to 50

Tortun Fishkisser
* DMG changed from 11 to 13
* DEF changed from 3 to 2
* HP changed from 56 to 51
* Removed base ability Blitz
* Added base ability Charge 3
* Added base ability Initiative 2
* Upgrade Path 1 changed to: ...

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July Patch

by Slugbait @ Sat Jul 13 14:38:23 UTC 2024

Store Updates

Based on feedback we have reduced the cost of the 10 Token Pack, the 30 Token Pack, and the Avatar Token pack for both gold and credit purchases.

Client Updates

* Fixed issue in which the Ready interface would not correctly show the Ready state for players when setting up custom matches
* Added some additional sounds when using the Deck Manager
* Using the search filter in the Deck Manager now shows the keyboard correctly on Steam Deck
* The tooltip for Rune names is now visible when using the controller to select runes when editing ...

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A note about fair play and conduct

by Slugbait @ Sun May 05 08:22:13 UTC 2024

Just a quick update to remind people to always remember to play fair and to give some guidelines regarding ranked play and the Drums of War.

Intentionally losing games for the purposes of giving another player Rating or to allow another player to get more Drums of War contribution is not permitted. Likewise, creating alternate accounts in order to generate either Drums of War contribution or Rating is not permitted.

Failure to follow these fair play guidelines may result in penalties, the least of which may involve having your Rating or Drums of War contribution reset.


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