Avatar Profile: Ironfist Stronghold
Forglar Swamp | Ironfist Stronghold | K'thir Forest | Savage Tundra | Forsaken Wastes | Shattered Peaks | Sundered Lands | The Underdepths

Your Avatar can gain experience by participating in battles; if you win, your Avatar will gain an experience bonus. Once he gains enough experience, your Avatar will gain a level. With each increase in level, your Avatar's stats and abilities will increase in power!
Every 10 levels, your Avatar's appearance will change. The Avatar will get new weapons and armor at levels 10, 20, 30, 40 and 50.
"Rugolth had only one companion during his exile: Semmir Lightkeeper of Valdac. Semmir shared in Rugolth's hardships and, ultimately, gave his life for the Stronghold he would never see. His bravery became his immortality." - Tome of the Ancients
When this champion is deployed, it gains 5 AP.Fleet
This unit takes 50% less damage from spells.Spell Resistance
When this unit comes into play, all friendly champions are healed for 7.Divine Blessing (3)
This champion becomes
Damage to friendly champions within 2 spaces is reduced by 2. (this ability and its effects do not stack)Enduring Aura (3)
This champion is immune to Stun, Slow, Ensnare, Root, Charm, Possesion, Fear, Blinding and Knockback. This champion can not be targeted by spells or abilities which are not basic attacks. It cannot be relocated by other runes and cannot be removed from play. This champion may not be equipped. This champion can only be healed through regeneration, and is immune to Loss of Life effects that would cause it to lose 30 or more HP (Loss of Life effects do not include damage). This unit does not receive a faction bonus.Avatar
Target champion within 4 spaces is healed for 40% their base HP.Divine Healing (3)